SUSMETRO is proud to have contributed to a variety of impactful publications that highlight our commitment to sustainability. Below is a list of these publications:
Year | Type | Publication | Link |
2023 | Journal | Kazak, J. ., Świąder, M., Arciniegas, G., Aslanoğlu, R., Wascher, D., & Chrobak, G. (2023). The Application of GeoPlanner in Local Development Management. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum, 22(4), 525–535. | Link |
2024 | Journal | Furlan, C., Mazzarella, C., Arlati, A. Arciniegas, G., Obersteg, A., Wandl, A. Cerreta, M. (2024). Exploring a geodesign approach for circular economy transition of cities and regions: Three European cases. Cities, 149, 104930. | Link |
2022 | Journal | Sylla, M., Swiader, M., Vicente-Vicente, J.L., Arciniegas, G., Wascher, D. (2022). Assessing Food Self-Sufficiency of Selected European Functional Urban Areas vs Metropolitan Areas. Landscape and Urban Planning, 228 (December 2022). | Link |
2017 | Journal | Wascher, D. and Jeurissen, L. 2017. Urban Food Security at the Crossroads between Metropolitan Food Planning and Global Trade – the Case of the Antwerp-Rotterdam-Düsseldorf Region, in : Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, Taylor & Francis Online | Link |
2022 | Journal | Arciniegas G., Wascher D., Eyre P., Sylla M., Vicente-Vicente JL, Swiader M., Unger T., Prag AA, Lysák M., Schafer LJ, Welker E., Sanz ES and Henriksen CB (2022). A participatory tool for assessing land footprint in city-region food systems—A case study from Metropolitan Copenhagen. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:846869. | Link |
2019 | Journal | Arciniegas, G., Šileryté, R., Dąbrowski, M., Wandl, A.,Dukai, B., Bohnet, M., & Gutsche, J.-M. (2019). A geodesign decision support environment for integrating management of resource flows in spatial planning. Urban Planning,4(3), 32–51. | Link |
2019 | Report | Wascher D., Schafer L., Eyre P., Henriksen C. B., Parente S., Walthall B., Beblek A., Bouillon C., De Cunto A., De Marchi M., Frühbeißer A., Plebani E., Riviou K., Steines A. K., Vaska S.& Wehner R.2023. Long-term Living Lab Support towards Food System Transformation – Policy recommendations for long-term support of Living Labs contributing to food system transformation. A joint initiative from the EU FOOD 2030 Project Family. Horizon Results Booster funded by the European Commission N° 2019/RTD/J5/OP/PP07321-2018-CSSDEVRIR-CSSDEVRI01. | Link |
2022 | Journal | Jani A, Exner A, Braun R, Braun B,Torri L, Verhoeven S, Murante AM, Van Devijvere S, Harrington J, Ochoa A, MarchioriGDL, Defranceschi P,Bunker A, Bärnighausen T, Sanz Sanz E, Napoléone C, Verger EO, Schader C, Röklov J Stegeman I, Tonello S, Pederson R, Kristensen NH, Smits T, Wascher D, Voshol P, Kaptejins A, Nesrallah S, Kjørven O, DeClerck F, Biella C, Gjorgjioska MA, Tomicic A, Ferreira Oliveira AT, Bracco S, Estevens S, Rossi L, Laister G, Ró˙zalska A, Jankuloski B, Hurbin C, Jannic M, Steel F, Manbaliu E, De Jager K, Sfetsos A, Konstantopoulou M, Kapetanakis P-A, Hickersberger M, Chiard E and Woolhead C (2022) Transitions to food democracy through multilevel governance. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:1039127. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.1039127 | Link |
2022 | Journal | Doernberg, A., Piorr, A., Zasada, I., Wascher, D.M., Schmutz, U. 2022. Sustainability assessment of short food supply chains (SFSC): developing and testing a rapid assessment tool in one Africanvand three European city regions. Agriculture and Human Values; 20 pages | Link |
2021 | Project report | Wascher, D., Arciniegas, G. and Eyre, P. 2021. BIVAC Resource, Impact & Stakeholder Analysis. Based on the INTERREG V A Germany-Netherlands project Bio-Value Chains for Climate (BIVAC) 2017-2021. 85 pages | Link |
2021 | Project report | D.Wascher & de Vries, J. 2021. Verandering van Spijs – Innovatieve Oplossingen voor Problemen in Ons Voedselsysteem. Results of the project ‘View on Change‘ on behalf of the City of Tilburg. | Link |
2018 | Report | Wascher, D., Stokman, A. & Bohn, K. 2018. Grundlagenstudie Landwirtschaftspark Heidelberg. Positionsbestimmung – Potentialanalyse – Empfehlungen. IBA Heidelberg, 69 pages | Link |
2018 | Journal | Wascher, D., Jeurissen, L., Jansma, J-E. en van Eupen, M. (2018). Chapter 4 contribution: An Ecological Footprint-based Spatial Zoning Approach for Sustainable Metropolitan Agro-Food Systems. In: proposal Springer – Urban Agriculture Book Series – Toward sustainable agricultural-urban relations: innovation, integration, governance | Link |
2017 | Conference proceedings | Wascher, D., van Eupen, M., Corsi, S., Sali, G., Zasada, I. 2017. Metropolitan Foodsheds as Spatial References for a Landscape-Based Assessment of Regional Food Supply. In: Roggema, R. (Ed.) Agriculture in an urbanizing society volume one: Proceedings of the sixth AESOP conference on sustainable food planning. Proceedings of the Sixth AESOP Conference on Sustainable Food Planning. pp. 31-58 ( | Link |
2017 | Journal | Zasada, I., Schmutz, U., Wascher, D., Kneafsey, M., Corsi, S., Mazzocchi, C., Monaco, F., Boyce, P., Doernberg, A., Sali & G., Piorr, A. 2017. Food beyond the City – Analysing Foodsheds and Self-Sufficiency under different Food System Scenarios in European Metropolitan Regions. In: City, Culture and Society, Special Issue: City Food Governance | Link |
2017 | Journal | Monaco, F., Zadada, I., Wascher, D., Glavan, M., Pintar, M., Schmutz, U., Mazzocchi, C., Corsi, S. and Sali, G. 2017. Food Production and Consumption: City Regions between Localism, Agricultural Land Displacement, and Economic Competitiveness, in: Sustainability 2017, 9, 96 | Link |
2017 | Report | Siebeck, C., Jonas, W. and Wascher, D. 2017. 15.000 Hektar Zukunft. (Er-)Findung einer neuen Landschaftstypologie des 21. Jahrhunderts. Dokumentation des IBA-Campus (6.-16.7.2017) & IBA Werkstattgespräch (30.6.2017). IBA Thüringen, 106 pages | Link |
2016 | Journal | Bournaris, Th., Moulogianna, CH., Arampatzis, S., Kiomourtzi, F. & Wascher, D.M. 2016. A knowledge brokerage approach for assessing the impacts of the setting up young farmers policy measure in Greece. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 57 (2016) 159–166 | Link |
2015 | Report | Wascher, D., Kneafsey, M., Pintar, M. and Piorr, A. 2015. Food Planning and Innovation for Sustainable Metropolitan Regions – Synthesis Report. Wageningen UR publication | Link |
2015 | Report | Wascher, D., Sanders, J., Annevelink, B., Elbersen, B. and van den Berg, N. 2015. Food Cluster Rotterdam – A Living Lab for Developing a Metropolitan Bio-Economy | Link |
2015 | Project report | Wascher, D., Pintar, M., Doernberg, A., Groot, J., Jeurissen, L. Piorr, A., Glavan,M. Istenič-Černič, M., Schmutz, U., Kneafsey, M., Bos, Venn, L., Mbatia, T., Sali, G., Corsi, S., Monaco, Simiyu, Owour, van Asselt, van der Fels, I., van Eupen, M. and Zasada, I.. 2015. FOODMETRES – Metropolitan food planning connecting the local with the global; In: Urban Agriculture Magazine Vol. 29, p. 41-44 | Link |
2015 | Journal | Corsi, S., Mazzocchi, C., Sali, G., Moanco, F. and Wascher, D. 2015. L’analyse des systèmes alimentaires locaux des grandes métropoles. Proposition méthodologique à partir des cas de Milan et de Paris. In: Cahiers agricultures. 24(1):28-36 | Link |
2015 | Journal | Wascher, D., Zasada, I. and Sali, G. 2015. Tools for Metropolitan Food Planning – a New View on the Food Security of Cities. In: Deakin, M., Diamantini, D. & Borelli, N. 2015. In: The Governance of City Food. Utopie 35 – Globalizzazione. Pages 68-100. | Link |
2015 | Report | Wascher, D., Kneafsey, M., Pintar, M. and Piorr, A. 2015. Food Planning and Innovation for Sustainable Metropolitan Regions – Synthesis Report. Wageningen UR publication | Link |
2015 | Journal | Jones, P.J., Andersen, E., Capitani, C., Carvalho-Ribeiro, S., Griffiths, G.H., Loupa-Ramos, I., Madeira, L., Mortimer, S.R., Paracchini, M.L., Pinto-Correia, T., Schmidt, A.M., Simoncini, R. and Wascher, D.M. 2015. The EU societal awareness of landscape indicator: A review of its meaning, utility and performance across different scales. Land Use Policy, | Link |
2012 | Report | Wascher, D.M., 2012. SUSMETRO – ein Steuerungsinstrumentarium zur Erhöhung der Versorgungseffizienz metropolitaner Landschaften als Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit städtischer Ballungsräume. In: Heiland, S. & Demuth, B., 2012. Tagungsband der Veranstaltung ‚Landschaft 2030‘ des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz, Vilm in Zusammenarbeit mit der Technischen Universität Berlin | Link |
2011 | Report | Jacob, K., Weiland, S., Ferretti. J., Wascher, D. & Chodorowska, D. 2011. Integrating the Environment in Regulatory Impact Assessments. OECD Report GOV/RPC(2011)8/FINAL, Paris, 57 pages | Link |
2011 | Journal | Helming, K., K. Diehl, H. Bach, O. Dilly, B. König, T. Kuhlman, M. Perez-Soba, S. Sieber, P. Tabbush, K. Tscherning, D. Wascher, and H. Wiggering. 2011. Ex ante impact assessment of policies affecting land use, Part A: analytical framework. Ecology and Society 16(1): 27. .; 1 Tab.; 33 Refs.; 6 Annexes; | Link |
2010 | Project report | Wascher, D.M., Roos-Klein Lankhorst, J., Agricola, H. and de Jong, A. 2010. Impact Assessment Tools for Food Planning in Metropolitan Regions. Final Report from the SUSMETRO Project, TransForum, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, 68 pages | Link |