This BIVAC ( Interreg project report covers the summary results from the Resource, Impact and Stakeholder analysis for the Euregio Rhine-Maas-North between The Netherlands and Germany.
Using a set of cross-boundary statistics on agricultural production and the associated residue streams derived from international data, we mapped biomass streams relevant for high value, innovative products in pharmacy, health, food and feed. Next to the overview on all 7 biomass streams, we offer an in-depth ‘spotlight-view’ on three selected crops, namely grass, sugar beet and aggregated vegetable data with detailed interpretations of 2019 data. For the same ‘spotlight-crops’ we undertook an impact assessment using a Flow Project Model with special attention to logistics and the role of biomass hubs. Finally, the report highlights opportunities for developing a biomass Communities of Practice and Over-The-Fence Partnerships for this cross-border region. Below you find a link to the Biomass Summary Report ‚Biomass Perspectives for Circular Economy‘ as well as to the full report ‚BIVAC Resource, Impact and Stakeholder Analysis`.